What the hell is this?

Why, it's a recycled silk scarf!
Yarn: Himalayan Yarn Co. Tibet Recycled Silk
Needles: Clover Takumi Bamboo Sz 9 24" Circular
Pattern: Karen Baumer's
Multidirectional Diagonal Scarf
This projected started out as a single skein of yarn that I purchased at
Sweet Stitch to make a hat. At starting at it for several days I decided to go back and get two more skeins in different colours to make a scarf. I got there just in time too, as all she had left were four skeins.
Fast forward a few weeks. I got this wild idea to put beaded fringe on the ends. So off to the local bead shop I went, where I experienced massive sticker shock. Glass cane adds up fast, as it is sold by the gram. $32.00 later I had the 28 beads that I needed for the fringe.
Overall I am very pleased with how this scarf turned out. It's over six feet long without the fringe and rather warm to boot. My Mom seems to think she'll be able to lay claim to this but I believe she is sadly mistaken.