Yarn: Rowan Cotton Rope in Squash
Needles: Addi Turbo Sz 6 and Sz 8 32" circulars
Pattern: One Skein Wonder by Stefanie Japel for Glampyre Knits
Where to start.
I ended up not doing the seed stitch on the "sleeves", instead opting for matching ribbing. I bound all the ribbing off with a size nine needle so that my torso wouldn't have the blood flow cut off from it by a too-tight top. The colour was actually picked out by our Rowan rep at the shop. I wasn't crazy about it at first but I think she was on to something.
At 63 yards per skein it is pretty much a given that this wasn't, in fact, a one skein wonder. Try four skeins, with maybe 15 yards left over, which means I used well over the yardage on the pattern. This is to blame because I used a US six needle instead of a US 5, and the method in which I picked up the stitches for the ribbing around the body.
And yes, I know I said I would post this two days ago. But it has been sunny and warm. Can you really blame me for avoiding the computer?